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The Start List aims to be the go to online source for up to date, mountain bike, gravel and off road cycle events from across Australia. Search 100’s of events by date, discipline, location, state or by organiser.

What is the Start List?

The Start List is a comprehensive, up to date mountain bike event calendar.

  • View all the mountain bike, gravel and off road cycling events in one place
  • Filter events by date, discipline, location and event organiser
  • Save events to your own calendar
  • Share events with friends and family

How does it work?

All our events are sourced directly from Australia’s largest database of events which powers sites like Visit Canberra, Tourism Tasmania & Visit Victoria

  • Listings are updated every 24 hours
  • Events are constantly added by all of Australia’s leading mountain bike event promoters and clubs
  • Adding events to The Start List is free and open to most clubs event organisers

Why use it?

The Start List is designed to make it super easy to find mountain bike events anywhere in Australia.

  • Perfect for event organisers looking for the perfect date for their event
  • Perfect for schools looking for skills or events
  • Perfect for planning that week away with friends
  • Perfect for clubs looking to connect with new riders

Who Is behind it?

The Start List is a passion project of Mark Carpenter who’s day job is a website developer specialising in event promotion. Outside of work Mark is an avid marathon racer, national level event commissaire and part time event manager for Rocky Trail. Mark has lived and breathed mountain biking for over 30+ years and therefore, fairly well matched to such a project!

Our future goals

Longterm we hope to keep investing in the Start List so we can

  • Encourage all mountain bike event organisers to add their events so we can all better plan our calendars and reduce clashes
  • Help and support clubs and event promoters to better promote their events
  • Build the profile of mountain biking as a sport
  • Demonstrate the economic potential and value of events
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