Listing your adventure sports events on The Start List is totally free and your instantly added to websites such as, Visit NSW and Tourism & Events Queensland! It also saves you time as one edit updates your listing everywhere!
Dont want the added exposure of ATDW network then you can also submit your events directly to The Start List.
How Does It Work?
Submit your events through ATDW for maximum exposure or submit them direct here
Register With ATDW
Register your club or organisation with Australian Tourism Data Warehouse.
Add your events To ATDW
Add all your events to ATDW and wait for approval from your State Tourism Association.
The Start List Updates Every 24 Hours
We search ATDW every day and update all the events on our site. Any new events are automatically added.
Update Your Listings
Need to make a change, update it once on ATDW and it will change everywhere including The Start List
Share your Events & Club Calendar
Share your Events & Start List Club calendar with your members
Step By Step Instructions
Check out our detailed resources here for even more info

Create an account with Australian Tourism Data Warehouse (ATDW)
To list on the Start List you first need to create a free “Tourism Operator” profile on the Australian Tourism Data Warehouse (ATDW).
Listing your event on ATDW is a no brainer as they power everything from Visit NSW to Tourism Tasmania, Visit Victoria to Tourism & Events Queensland!
Its simple, you list in once on ATDW and it appears on dozens of website with one click! Need to make a change, one edit on ATDW changes it everywhere!
Who is eligible?
Most sporting clubs, registered trail networks or commercial event companies qualify for a Tourism Operator account.
You will need to have the following:
- Registered Organisation Name
- Active ABN
- Street Address
- Email Address
- Telephone Contact

Submitting Your Events Through ATDW
Once your Tourism Operators profile is approved by your local tourism association you can submit as many events as you like.
- Have all your info ready to go including registration links, pricing, schedule etc
- Use the clone function to duplicate existing events
- Add as much data as you can as it makes your events easy to find
Make Your Events Stand Out!
Its super important to make sure you take your time when creating events.
- Make sure your content and images relate to your target market.
- Make sure you include the words “mountain biking” and your events discipline ie “Enduro” in the description.
- Short sentences are the easiest and quickest to read online. It’s that simple.
- Use good images as they set the tone for your event (no logos or text allowed).
- Update, update & update if things change!

Spread the Word about ATDW & The Start List!
The more mountain bike trails, events and services that are added to ATDW, the more exposure we give the sport we love!
So spread the word about The Start List as its a no brainer really!
If your not able or keen on joining ATDW (its still worth doing I promise you) you can submit your events directly to us via the link below. Once submitted we’ll check your listing and publish it as long as it meets our criteria.
Perfect For
- Quick way to list on Australia’s leading cycle events site!
- Ideal for small scale events where you don’t need the added exposure of the ATDW network
- Getting events up online quickly whilst you wait to join ATDW
Note that your event will not appear on the ATDW network if it is submitted through our website.