Hume and Hovell Ultra – 100 mile, 100 kilometres, 50 kilometres and 22 kilometres on a section of the historic Hume and Hovell Walking Track with an overall elevation of 4088 metres. All distances except the 22 kilometres are out and back from Henry Angel Trackhead, nine kilometres south of Tumbarumba on the Tooma Road. The 22 kilometre runners are bussed out to the Jingellic Road intersection and run back in to Henry Angel.
Located in the stunning Snowy Mountains, the Hume Hovell Ultra will challenge your ability as well as inspire your success. Run with the wild brumbies, past pioneer cottages and through rugged mountain ranges, natural forests, pine plantations, past lakes and waterfalls, along narrow winding (95 percent) of single trails.
Bonus drop bag stations, spot trackers for the 100 milers and an amazing country hospitality welcome. All finishers receive medals and certificates. Recognised by the International Trail Running Association (ITRA) , earning points to enter the prestigious Ultra Trail Mont Blonc (UTMB). International Association of Ultra Runners (IAU)Trail Label holder and under the Australian Ultra Runners Association (AURA) banner. NEW, ITRA National League, open to ALL trail running enthusiast at a national level.
Free camping, also toilets, hot water, electricity and barbecues.